crafty bean: "Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay." --Robert Frost ❤️
crafty bean: A black cat in my path...
crafty bean: Truckee Trickle -- wishing for rain ❤️
crafty bean: Standing in the middle of the river, hoping for lots of rain and snow this fall & winter!
crafty bean: Cookies!
crafty bean: A little treasure from Grassroots Books - free!
crafty bean: Zinnias from Lost City Farm on my night table <3
crafty bean: Afternoon game mash-up
crafty bean: Verde & Rojo
crafty bean: Feeling Scrappy ;)
crafty bean: We saw Bigfoot downtown! Something to aspire to... ;)
crafty bean: Anniversary Beefs
crafty bean: It's been a fragrant summer <3
crafty bean: Bags of supplies #HappyPeriod ❤️
crafty bean: Apples and oranges donated by the food co-op for tomorrow's haircuts for people experiencing homelessness event! Hooray for fresh fruit and a generous community! ❤️❤️❤️
crafty bean: All the games ❤️😂
crafty bean: It's almost time...
crafty bean: White roses and oregano <3
crafty bean: Gorgeous mural on the old Fitz parking garage downtown
crafty bean: I wonder where Thumper is... ;)
crafty bean: ❤️❤️❤️
crafty bean: Beach camping == best camping
crafty bean: Watermelon watermelon
crafty bean: On her way to Busytown!
crafty bean: Cheater fudge, mmmm (1 bag of chocolate chips, one can of sweetened condensed milk, 1/4 cup butter - microwave all for 3 minutes, stir and add one tsp of vanilla. Spread in oiled (coconut) 9x13 pan and refrigerate until set, about 2 hours)
crafty bean: Sunset at the park <3
crafty bean: The biggest earthworm I've ever seen.
crafty bean: Oh, Kitzmo ;)
crafty bean: A gorgeous lily that Harold and Annabel gave me in 2014 is blooming again!