James Neeley: Playing with Light
MFer Photography: MFP_6982
newnumenor: SAR 157
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Outra série com uma fêmea de Estrelinha-ametista, Beija-flor-mosca (Rio Grande do Sul), Besourinho-ametista, Besouro-zumbidor ou Tesourinha (Calliphlox amethystina) - Picaflor amatista - Another series with a female of an Amethyst Woodstar - 19-12-2008 -
pmarella: Pier A Hoboken
AnnAbulf: Limburg - Fachwerk Bischofsplatz a
Dashalive: Dawn New Years Day
Dashalive: The Perils Of Photography
Dashalive: Dark Tide
Bicycle Network: balloons
gctwnl: NeXTdimension (PAL) Turbo Cube
luigilauro38: Castellabate - Finestra col tramonto
Willy_G91: Sepa island
Bousure: Lac Toba
giovanni_novara: Castelletto di Cuggiono (Milano) - Campo di ravizzone e papaveri (first time on Explore! 10.08.2011)
magnushjelm: CLEAR Interactive - Ruby on Rails and iPhone specialists in Melbourne, Australia
Jeff Clow: Blue Sky at John Moulton's Barn
rhyspope: Colours Of The Afternoon Countryside
Jeff Crowe: HARD GOING
antuan35mm: encalada en azul
Andreas Gerber: rosso di mattino
Stolen Art: As the sun sweeps in - Day #13
sosidesc: little wave
adrians_art: Just another winters morning
alonsodr: Running rain
alonsodr: This is light
merlune: Arenal Sky Fired up