Barb ☮: Happy Halloween from Mama's little witch! 🎃 🔮👻
Barb ☮: Nana's precious little man eating his roast, carrots, taters, and mushrooms last night. Nana made him a banana pudding, too.
Barb ☮: Happy #BlackDogDay from Maisy and Ma.
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Barb ☮: Remy approves - Copy
Barb ☮: Nana's precious baby Remy. Man, I love this kid!
Barb ☮: Maisy's look says: "Why can't I stay in the baffroom wiff you, Ma?"
Barb ☮: My baby and her loving this!
Barb ☮: Savannah is loving having her precious 3 day old nephew napping on her chest. Family, the most important part of life.
Barb ☮: We're here and ready to have a baby!!! YAY!!
Barb ☮: And you thought you were having a bad day...
Barb ☮: Mega batch of homemade loaded potato skins in the beginning stages. Yum!
Barb ☮: Watching #Raydonovan and look who curled up on my chest to watch with me. #pug #puglife
Barb ☮: Early dinner with my honey.
Barb ☮: And another...
Barb ☮: Been up all night so decided to work on some jewelry. I think I'm loving this piece. Whatcha think???
Barb ☮: Had an awesome lunch with my honey at the best burger spot anywhere!
Barb ☮: Maisy had surgery (spay) on Tuesday and is healing well but Momma's baby still needs lots of love and lap time.
Barb ☮: My poor, sweet hubby in the dental chair. No fun.
Barb ☮: My sweet Shelby!
Barb ☮: My chauffeur (@savannahlpn) making excellent time getting us to Huntsville for @statics baby shower. She's not even scaring me, either!! Only 2 hours to go....#lovemydaughters #huntsville #roadtrippin
Barb ☮: Finally checking Donne out of the hospital and taking her to the nursing home. She's doing well. Anyone that wants her new address, let me know.
Barb ☮: Happy hump day, y'all! #pugsofinstagram #prettypug