Big Film Geek: "This must be where pies go when they die." - Dale Cooper #twothreenine #instacinemascope #cinescope #northbend #washington #twinpeaks #pie
Red Dog Tattoo: Old Polaroid
Soumik Kar: 3/12 Mumbai peace march
innsanitaria: Boys Don't Cry
the jimmyjames: Good Tooth, Bad Tooth
*Kristene: feelling of falling
colorblindPICASO: Dating Tip #37: When your girlfriend comes into your office, kicks off her flip-flop, puts her foot up on your lapboard, and randomly says "So, what's up?" There is a pretty good chance she isn't just making conversation.
HOMAKO: Rabbit project in L.A
Yet another Dave: Zombie Tom Cruise offers you free hugs...
dogseat: _DSC4007.jpg
like_shipwrecks: A Bloody Mess
Casey.Lee: Lindsey West-For Ladies of Metal
Gunther Moreno: Tremenda #2
bethechange21: 136/365 - He didn't marry me....
(rhythm and) days / ymmtdisk: mirroring me (28) / HASSELBLAD is here.
Kaj Bjurman: Old police car
helveticaneue: first aid
chays01267: 365-55
razorbern: Kryssy
TomNappoPhotography: The Dresser
.jefra.: odette's world
hleewell: playtime