CP Shelton: First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ
CP Shelton: sanctuary
CP Shelton: sanctuary
CP Shelton: sanctuary
CP Shelton: pulpit
CP Shelton: baptistry window
CP Shelton: chancel
CP Shelton: baptistry window
CP Shelton: narthex window
CP Shelton: narthex window detail
CP Shelton: organ pipes & memorial plaque
CP Shelton: First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ
CP Shelton: narthex window detail
CP Shelton: memorial at First Christian, Breckenridge TX
CP Shelton: Big Country AGO Chapter members visit First Christian Church in Breckenridge, Texas
CP Shelton: at First Christian Church in Breckenridge, Texas
CP Shelton: memorial for the refurbished organ
CP Shelton: at First Christian Church in Breckenridge, Texas
CP Shelton: window
CP Shelton: The River Jordan