CP Shelton: Wes and Aunt Dorcas
CP Shelton: Mr Waggles
CP Shelton: Wes and Mr Waggles
CP Shelton: Wes on our Colorado vacation in 2016
CP Shelton: Wes on Talk Like a Pirate Day
CP Shelton: 2024-07-04_06-17-48
CP Shelton: 2024-06-27_01-06-06
CP Shelton: World War I Memorial Window
CP Shelton: View from our balcony in Pagosa Springs, CO.
CP Shelton: brugmansia
CP Shelton: ID please?
CP Shelton: ID please?
CP Shelton: unknown plant with purple star-shaped flower
CP Shelton: evergreen wisteria
CP Shelton: azaleas
CP Shelton: Jesus' body is prepared for burial
CP Shelton: Jesus' body is taken down from the cross
CP Shelton: the Crucifixion
CP Shelton: the Crucifixion
CP Shelton: new crop of a photo from a few years back
CP Shelton: altar decorated for Epiphany
CP Shelton: altar decorated for Epiphany
CP Shelton: The Nativity (detail)
CP Shelton: the Holy Family
CP Shelton: window above the gallery
CP Shelton: "Black Stockings" daylily
CP Shelton: daylilies on the patio
CP Shelton: "Black Stockings" daylily
CP Shelton: "Black Stockings" daylily
CP Shelton: daylilies on the patio