cperkcpa: BOTA new10312012
cperkcpa: Time for driving lessons
cperkcpa: Exploring
cperkcpa: It's pumpkin time again.
cperkcpa: King for the day
cperkcpa: Getting his moves down.
cperkcpa: One of the clock towers we spotted
cperkcpa: A beautiful church in Mexico
cperkcpa: Nap time
cperkcpa: At the top
cperkcpa: Cheerios Time
cperkcpa: Almost time to go
cperkcpa: Amazingly steep mountains near Guilin, China. Many of these mountains go nearly straight up.
cperkcpa: A beautiful home on the Li river in China near Guilin.
cperkcpa: Bonding time.
cperkcpa: Often found in Chinese business places. It is suppose to bring good fortune to the shop owner.
cperkcpa: The path can seem long but sooner or later the end comes.
cperkcpa: New life takes root on an old stump.
cperkcpa: Seattle on a nice day.
cperkcpa: Get me out of here.
cperkcpa: The two most important people in my life.
cperkcpa: The wonders of China's Past
cperkcpa: Mexico
cperkcpa: Mexico
cperkcpa: Mexico
cperkcpa: Palms
cperkcpa: Near North Bend
cperkcpa: Rattlesnake Ledge
cperkcpa: Look Mom
cperkcpa: Guilin, China