bookchen: IMG_4176
bookchen: Detail, marble effigy of woman presumed to be Marguerite de Dampierre. IMG_4179
bookchen: Unicorns, such as this one at the base of an effigy, symbolised virginity. IMG_4180
bookchen: Mosaic detail, The Judgement of Paris. IMG_4183
bookchen: By Agnolo de Cosimo di Mariano Tori, known as Bronzino. IMG_4191
bookchen: By Hubert Robert. IMG_4196
bookchen: Winged Victory of Samothrace. IMG_4399
bookchen: IMG_4400
bookchen: By Francesco Fieravino. Still life: lemons and violin, detail. IMG_4402
bookchen: Edward VI, King of England. 1537-1553. IMG_4404
bookchen: Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione, author and diplomat. 1478-1529.IMG_4408
bookchen: By Frans Pourbus, the Elder. Bruges, 1545- Amsterdam, 1603. IMG_4412
bookchen: Portrait d'un flûtiste borgne, 1566. IMG_4415
bookchen: By Corneille de Lyon. The Hague, c. 1500-Lyon, 1575. IMG_4418
bookchen: Jan Vermeer. Delft, 1632-1675. IMG_4419