bookchen: Behind Bathurst TTC Station, Toronto. IMG_0319
bookchen: Curry Nation coconut rice with curry leaves
bookchen: Sweet & sour chick*
bookchen: Swedish meatballs.
bookchen: Mac 'n Cheese
bookchen: Omelette.
bookchen: Shepherd's pie.
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bookchen: Cheese tortellini with basil sauce
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bookchen: This meal seemed (and was) meagre offerings, especially with the lonely boiled egg rolling about on the white dish.
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bookchen: TK jokingly asked if I'd be photo-logging the hospital food. It hadn't occurred to me, but I thought, "Why not?". So here it
bookchen: Beer and chocolate cake.
bookchen: Sweet potato buttermilk pie.
bookchen: Butternut squash & red chard.
bookchen: Canadian Living. "Canada's Best Carrot Cake"
bookchen: Cara Cara oranges, celery, and almond salad.
bookchen: Grapefruit, avocado and pumpkin seed salad.
bookchen: Espresso & Chocolate Black Bean Chili.
bookchen: Low sodium rice paper rolls.
bookchen: Low sodium bagels.
bookchen: Label for the St. Viateur bagel. IMG_1550
bookchen: Citrus & celery salad.
bookchen: Five-minute a day pizza, topped with pineapple and paneer.
bookchen: Espresso Black Bean Chili.
bookchen: Plum sauce.
bookchen: Lentil Quinoa Bolognese Sauce.
bookchen: "Marie-Hélène's Apple Cake"