KDuryee: mono-lake-south-tufa
KDuryee: maya-pearson-playing
KDuryee: chip-the-squirrel
KDuryee: barn-zimmerman-mn
KDuryee: barn-zimmerman-02-2017
KDuryee: Husky Play!
KDuryee: Laurel Mountain, Convict Lake, CA
KDuryee: Albino Squirrel
KDuryee: Shake off!
KDuryee: Whitey the Squirrel
KDuryee: Mr. Milo
KDuryee: Maya & Pearson, Mon. June 15 At Lunch
KDuryee: Buddha Squirrel
KDuryee: "Whitey" the Eastern Gray Squirrel
KDuryee: Chip
KDuryee: Exploring Crow
KDuryee: Exploring Crow
KDuryee: A Path Less Traveled
KDuryee: Lake Superior Sunrise
KDuryee: Denali - Grey Wolf
KDuryee: North Shore, Lake Superior
KDuryee: Pearson In His Element
KDuryee: Portage Falls
KDuryee: Sutherland Creek, Catalina State Park
KDuryee: Tongue Out Tuesday
KDuryee: Pearson Running, 5 of 5
KDuryee: Snow Nose
KDuryee: Maya
KDuryee: Maya and Pearson
KDuryee: Maya and Pearson