toyrewind: Wolf Predator DX Bio Mask
spankysixteen3: IMG_35972
Randall Ong: P4260518 P
KMK Photo: Focus
Bleau Aquino: Daredevil: The Man Without Fear
Zleahy: Young Epoch Stinky Pete
arbeelicious: RBL_6527-2.jpg
spankysixteen3: IMG_1533
ohmzpineda: IMG_4463
ohmzpineda: IMG_4461
toystorycollector91: my collections so far..
arbeelicious: RBL_1134-2.jpg
ohmzpineda: _MG_3280
Richie dela Merced: courtmaster-1
Richie dela Merced: GG family-1
Mike Domingo: AT&T Park Willie Mays Statue
The Real Juggernaut: Juggenautbase
E.B.S FOTO: IMG_3102s
ShotsByLG: Manila International Auto Show 2011
The Real Juggernaut: Juggy Bust 1 001
The Real Juggernaut: Juggy Bust 1 005
royginald: Hugh Jackman - Logan/Wolverine Bust
Ange Bersabal: SO SEXY IT HURTS!
royginald: DSC_1881
E.B.S FOTO: _MG_5989s
Bleau Aquino: The Legion of Doom
Bleau Aquino: The Justice League
Bleau Aquino: Captain America: The First Avenger