Inha Leex Hale: Bath Maine
Inha Leex Hale: Foggy cambrij
Inha Leex Hale: Foggy union square Somerville
sarakinney: GOPR1253
sarakinney: GOPR1227
clintonella1: watchin' the kids
clintonella1: stacks of PIttsburgh 2
clintonella1: 20141109_135956
Inha Leex Hale: #lucydog
Jon Pumpkin: X15 model
glitch-irion: Untitled-17cpx
Perry McKenna: Frozen Winterland
DreamSlayer: Gerhard Richter at Pompidou
angelocesare: Gerhard Richter? Mountain tunnel rust?
nlwirth: Wake (Richard Serra)
SA_Steve: NYC Subway Mural details of Whirls and Twirls by Sol LeWitt
nclave: sol lewitt
hans van egdom: Sol Lewitt
claude lina: "Spiral" (1996) de Sol Lewitt (1928-2007)
rocor: Robert Irwin
Angie McMonigal: Angie McMonigal Photography-9583-Edit
rocor: Robert Irwin
Julian E...: O/range...
david.cavaliero: Robert Irwin - Installation, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 1975
richard.mcmanus.: Greenland.
richard.mcmanus.: Greenland
richard.mcmanus.: Greenland.