Angela @ Cottage Magpie: My mother-in-law gave me this vintage wool afghan for Christmas. The poor thing is already falling apart. I just love these colors. I think it needs to be replicated as a pillow, don't you? Do you like granny squares?? #grannysquare #vintage #afghan
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Comparison is the thief of joy. - Theodore Roosevelt. This quote is popular, but have you stopped to really think about it? How much unhapppiness have you created in yourself because you were looking at what other people were doing? Thinking that they had
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Have you ever seen these cute little tole trays? They're small, only a few inches on a side. I use them as coasters, but I am not sure what they were originally for? I don't usually go for red, but these just seemed so cheerful and happy, I had to get the
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Looking through old photos today and ran across this mantelscape I did a couple of years ago. But on a piano, since I don't (yet) have a mantel. Those foxgloves were just so pretty in the garden and I've always loved my green window. And that's where the
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: This time last year my tree peony was blooming, but this year they are still budding. The herbaceous peonies still have weeks to go. I admit I haven't been as patient with Spring unfolding this year as I could be, but I am trying to be better. Breathe in,
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Dear friends. For those celebrating today: Happy Easter! But many today are suffering, faith or not. We all have times when we feel lost and confused, when life's burden is heavier than usual. I just want you to know that it does pass. Sometimes it takes
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Speaking of flowers, and yellow, I love this little dish. I had it hanging on the wall in my front room until the latest project. Now it is in a box waiting for a new place to be. Maybe I need to put it in my office. #yellow #flowers #prettydishes
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Those daffodils have given me a real case of Spring fever and I'm hankering for all things yellow! I thought it might be fun to find some yellow pillow ideas to brighten things up. Here's three collections that I put together. I can't decide which I like
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: I know I keep complaining that Spring hasn't really started, but that's not entirely fair. We DO have daffodils, and they are the embodiment of sunshine, aren't they? What's blooming at your house? #waitingforspring #daffodils #flowers
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: I think I need this reminder pretty much every day. I get scared about what I'm doing and want to unmake all of my decisions. But the truth is, we make those decisions when we have a clear head and clear vision for the future. Then we get scared because s
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: We're having a huge windstorm today and power has been out, but it's up now and hopefully will stay that way. Meanwhile, I have a total thing for vintage decoupage, did you know that? It (almost) doesn't even matter how kitschy they are. This particular o
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Still waiting for real Spring weather over here, how about you? Since I'm daydreaming about Spring I thought I'd make a Spring-inspired kind of vintage/boho office mood board. I am particularly in love with the vintage McCoy pottery with the Eschevaria. I
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: I managed to get another coat on the bookcases this weekend. Also patched the holes from the old gallery wall. Progress! Slow. Painfully slow. But forward at any rate. Did you do a weekend project? #weekendproject #painting #builtins
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Did I ever tell you about the time we had to repair my favorite painting? The frame was falling apart so we had to take it out of the frame, re-glue/staple the frame together and put it back. Turns out the painting is only painted on cardboard (like matte
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: I hadn't been sure about this idea before, but I've realized that it's essential. If we want to do new things, try new experiences, stretch ourselves in new ways, well, it's going to be scary!! I hope that you (and I) can both try something new today. #sh
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: I had a paint color request, so here's just a few of my favorite greens. Clockwise from top right we have Lark Green, Nurture Green, Aloe and Active Green. All in sample paint pots, which I love for doing furniture with. (SW 6745, 6451, 6464 and 6986). #s
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Waiting for Spring, waiting for Spring... I have outdoor living on the brain. I couldn't help myself and had to make this vintage-inspired porch mood board. Come on, sunshine!!!! #liveacolorfullife #waitingforspring #porchdecor
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Goodness, I can't believe I made these pillows two years ago! It seems like it was just last week. Here I was all frustrated that they've gotten worn so quickly (not in this photo, this photo is from when I made them). But they've been used every day for
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Did I mention I was painting? Endlessly? Well, indeed I am. I'm finally painting allllllll the woodwork in this room, including this wainscoting we installed last summer. I think it will look pretty when it's done. Now to figure out how to keep this bench
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: So, can I just say how badly I am wanting Spring to come for realsies? Sadly, this is NOT what I see outside right now--it's still dreary, grey and blergh. The cherry tree usually blooms in early April, just in time for my birthday. I sure hope it makes i
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: I think one of the scariest things is to just try something with your home. To forget what "they" think is pretty/charming/stylish and really just do what makes YOU happy. My wish for you today is that you can shed all those shoulds and be true to yoursel
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Another piece of art that get evicted from the front room. It was a Goodwill find (like most of my art), and I painted the frame. I definitely need to find it a new spot!! It looks so peaceful and charming. #goodwill #thrifted #vintageart
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Renovating takes forever when you only do weekend projects, so I thought I'd make a mood board to motivate me through the endless painting. I used a freebie template I got from @occasionalday -- so easy and fun!!! And now to pin this up while I paint, pai
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Several years ago I saw a beautiful room with a big vintage sign letter, and I loved it so much I decided to make one. Mine was made out of a scrap of beadboard paneling because that's what I had on hand. I still love it. It's in my office for the moment,
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Dear friends, this is my wish for you: that you realize that YOU are beautiful, inside and out. You don't have to do, be, or become anything. You already ARE everything you need to be. Beautiful, amazing, fantastic, you. Love to you!! #beyourself #loveyou
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: I don't think I've showed you this tray yet. I had this idea I'd hang a pair on either side of the family room window but they don't quite work so I haven't found a spot yet. But I will, eventually. Do you have trays hanging up? Where? #vintageliving #vin
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Well, I'm finishing months later than I started, but at least I'm still finishing. #stillcounts #betterlatethannever #diy #sundayproject
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: It has to get worse before it can get better. #diy #holidayweekend #needtobenicetohusbandtoday
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Before. It's finally time to tackle the entry! Simple changes, but hopefully it will be more functional when I'm done, and cuter, too! #diy #weekends #itstimealready
Angela @ Cottage Magpie: Next UFO in the hopper. Still hoping to get them all done before the end of the year. Fingers crossed! #ufos #quilting