CP Media: ARTivity on the Green - Winston-Salem, NC
CP Media: President Obama Awards the National Medal of Freedom to Stevie Wonder
CP Media: President Obama Awards the National Medal of Freedom to Meryl Streep
CP Media: President Obama Awards the National Medal of Freedom to Tom Brokaw
CP Media: 2014 National Medal of Freedom Ceremony | President Obama
CP Media: 2014 National Medal of Freedom Ceremony | House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
CP Media: 2014 National Medal of Freedom Ceremony | Attorney General Eric Holder
CP Media: President Obama Awards the National Medal of Freedom to Ethel Kennedy
CP Media: 2014 National Medal of Freedom Ceremony
CP Media: 2014 National Medal of Freedom Ceremony | President Obama
CP Media: 569A3713
CP Media: President Obama Awards the National Medal of Freedom to Stevie Wonder
CP Media: President Obama Awards the National Medal of Freedom to Stevie Wonder
CP Media: President Obama Awards the National Medal of Freedom to Meryl Streep
CP Media: President Obama Awards the National Medal of Freedom to Meryl Streep
CP Media: President Obama Awards the National Medal of Freedom to Tom Brokaw
CP Media: President Obama Awards the National Medal of Freedom to Meryl Streep
CP Media: 2014 National Medal of Freedom Ceremony | President Obama
CP Media: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Campaigns for Sen. Kay Hagan
CP Media: The Old Well at UNC-Chapel Hill
CP Media: White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest
CP Media: Deputy National Security Advisor Tony Blinken
CP Media: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
CP Media: Diane Rehm & President Obama
CP Media: Ellen Dunlap (American Antiquarian Society) & President Obama
CP Media: M.H. Abrams & President Obama
CP Media: Billie Tsien and Tod Williams
CP Media: Linda Ronstadt & President Obama
CP Media: Linda Ronstadt & President Obama
CP Media: Maxine Hong Kingston & President Obama