Gene Herzberg: Iceberg Torbay
Brian P Carey: Donnie - "I think it's pizza for supper"!
swampr0se: Sarracenia purpurea, pitcher plant, Louisbourg bog
Alene Davis: Poplars in My Dream
l_dewitt: Where are the Butterfly's.......
: Colourful lichen
swampr0se: Drosera intermedia, spoonleaf sundew, Louisbourg bog
hynes.jane: Summer in Sept!!
swampr0se: Danaus plexippus, Monarch butterfly
l_dewitt: Evening ....
-- Green Light Images --: Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Bryaceae)
21orion: Pine Sisken
PietervH: Hibiscus
l_dewitt: Loves to hang...
Jerry Curtis: Berg and Bird in B&W
barachois50: Shoe Cove Island
East meets West photos: Photo club model 2014-04-15 at 19-49-42
-- Green Light Images --: Moss on the rocks
Alene Davis: Old leaves in the rain
l_dewitt: Moon and .....
PietervH: Coprinellus micaceus?
Jerry Curtis: Poor Li'l Mouse
Megapixx~: Trail Lights
21orion: Nature's Diamonds