corisaas: Afternoons around here
corisaas: Afternoons around here
corisaas: Afternoons around here
corisaas: Afternoons around here
corisaas: Afternoons around here
corisaas: Afternoons around here
corisaas: Afternoons around here
corisaas: 2025/365/3 Facing South
corisaas: 2025/365/5 January Sunflowers
corisaas: South
corisaas: 2024/365/6 Becoming friendly with CrookShanks, the Farm Cat
corisaas: Tree Lights
corisaas: Light Hanging On
corisaas: Grass in snow
corisaas: Snow across the Prairie
corisaas: 2025/365/14 Poppy the Farm Cat
corisaas: 2025/365/15 Alan, at sundown
corisaas: Mauve Staccato, from the West
corisaas: Storm, to the West
corisaas: Light in the Barn
corisaas: Snooping in the cold with Alan
corisaas: Leaving the On
corisaas: Light to the South
corisaas: Hint of things to Come
corisaas: Light holding on
corisaas: Cori watching Alan
corisaas: Alan watching Cori
corisaas: Always Trees
corisaas: Grouse Eating Winter Buds
corisaas: Saskatchewan Sundog