corisaas: 2025/365/22 Trauma Informed Schools: an excellent night of learning
corisaas: 2025/365/21 A Walk on the Snow
corisaas: From the Window
corisaas: 2025/365/20 Across the Field
corisaas: At the Corner
corisaas: Coldest Day of 2025, so far
corisaas: Period One, End of January
corisaas: 144 Scots Pine Saplings
corisaas: 2025/365/19 Seeding Scots Pines
corisaas: Maggie the Tree Supervisor
corisaas: Finding the Seeds
corisaas: Saskatchewan Sundog
corisaas: Healthy Seeds Sink
corisaas: Starting the Final Soak
corisaas: Grouse Eating Winter Buds
corisaas: Blowing Kissing to the Kids
corisaas: Scots Pine seeds
corisaas: A dish of seeds, and their cases
corisaas: Pulling the Seeds from the Cones
corisaas: Finding the Seeds
corisaas: Fierce Love
corisaas: Always Trees
corisaas: Poppy has a new light
corisaas: Poppy's Play with a Porch Light
corisaas: A day of research with a view
corisaas: Ollie supervising school work
corisaas: 2025/365/18 Smiling in cold with Alan
corisaas: Tea with Maggie
corisaas: Mauve Staccato, from the West
corisaas: Storm, to the West