jamie nyc: Bike Kill 2015 (Bike Kill 12)
sup3rnice: the coolest kid in town
spiky247: the horsie-blad
rhizomeblur: Mercury- medium format front left
fotographis: 6x7 Wide Point and Shoot, Working Prototype
EspressoBuzz: Top lopped off. No viewfinder.
sneebot: Scopious Pair
mehmetdeniz3: Other dimensions | Oslo
boxcustom: 10-16-13 polaroid
Saltriver_Photo: ps45 - DIY 4x5 / 6x12 wideangle p&s camera - completed
Kevin Kadooka: Arduino Exposure Meter Mk. 2
Brana Vojnovic: The-old-lady-in-a-new-coat-3
Brana Vojnovic: Nothing less than Xenotar
sebastianzetzl: dots & lines
adbieber: Nimslo Bronica 35mm Panoramic Camera
fotographis: Handcrafted 6x9 Point and Shoot from Spare Parts
tilhcu: palm trees
AlessandroPantò: 20161029_214326
Frankenphotography: Frankenoid1
Mc Key: The paint on Leeds street