graeme9022: Bristol VR no. OUP681P @ Durham, August 1982 [slide 8269]
AEIDL: AEIDL 25th conference participants at European Parliament
AEIDL: Chris Brooks, Peter Ramsden & Toby Johnson at AEIDL's 25th party
AEIDL: Jean Vanweydeveld, Márta Marczis & Yves Champetier
AEIDL: Hans-Gerd Nottenbohm, Union Gewerbehof, Dortmund
AEIDL: AEIDL's 35th Anniversary
Ashtabula Archive: Interurban Rail Map
Aerial Photography: Seeon Abbey
Aerial Photography: Railway Museum
Maurits van den Toorn: Antwerpen modern
Frederick McLean: Leeds trams No's 76 and 79 in City Square
Andreas Herold: 2020/07/25 | 99 232, 99 234, 99 236, 99 240 | Wernigerode | DE
North East Museums: Tram for Dunston crossing the High Level Bridge
North East Museums: Newcastle Central Station
TrainsandTravel: North Tyneside EMU leaving Newcastle
Rajesh_India: Kothapeta Fruit Market 02
johnmightycat1: wyks - derelict swansea x mumbles tram hunslet 69 JL
Vereniging Vrienden van Amsterdamse Gevelstenen: Houten gevelreliëf met een vrouw en elanden
Martyn Fordham LRPS: 66740 with the 6S94 Wembley to Irvine at Selside
Helgoland01: IFA-Bus mit Anhänger der Verkehrsbetriebe Halle
Co-operative Heritage Trust Archive: Co-ops Fair, Beechwood, Leeds, 1981
Co-operative Heritage Trust Archive: Co-ops Fair, Beechwood, Leeds, 1981
John & Mel Kots: Brussels beauty
Tim Boric: Drukte aan de Amstel
Squonk11: Reflection 2