RubySnaps: Our little nerd!
RubySnaps: Happy Fence Friday!
RubySnaps: Gone Fishin'!
RubySnaps: Peke-a-boo Love!
RubySnaps: He's here! He made a dramatic entrance with an emergency c-section but both are good and so is "Nanny"!
RubySnaps: She's in labor! Grandson will be here sometime today or tonight!
RubySnaps: Taken and edited with my IPhone. Playing around with my phone patiently waiting for my grandson to be born!
RubySnaps: Out on a is in the air
RubySnaps: Buddy under the Crabapple!
RubySnaps: Hello Spring!
RubySnaps: January full moon taken with my new IPhone from the car window traveling about 60. I wasn't driving. Lol I liked how it turned out!
RubySnaps: Happy New Year Flickr Friends!
RubySnaps: Magical
RubySnaps: Christmas Eve is coming soon...
RubySnaps: Fun on the hay bales!
RubySnaps: Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
RubySnaps: DSC_0049_edited-1
RubySnaps: Happy Bench Monday!
RubySnaps: Happy Fence Friday!
RubySnaps: They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery...
RubySnaps: In Memory of my beloved Scooter
RubySnaps: Ahead of the crowd...
RubySnaps: "Flying D"
RubySnaps: Somthing about these old spools that I love.
RubySnaps: Down Home..
RubySnaps: "Da Boss"
RubySnaps: Happy Fence Friday!
RubySnaps: Where the blackeyed susans grow...
RubySnaps: Watching the river my friend would say!
RubySnaps: Happy "Crepe Myrtle" Fence Friday!