~C4Chaos: Paul Krugman vs. BitCoin
~C4Chaos: Bitcoin is the internet of money
~C4Chaos: Great work on banning Bitcoin
~C4Chaos: #Bitcoin or Bust!
~C4Chaos: Mr. President, don't make us grumpy. You won't like us when we're grumpy.
~C4Chaos: Mixing Music is Therapy
~C4Chaos: #Restoreth4th: NSA SHTF
~C4Chaos: #Restorethe4th EPIC Thread
~C4Chaos: Ingo Swann - Father of Remote Viewing
~C4Chaos: TED - Ideas NOT Worth Spreading
~C4Chaos: Eben Alexander, Sam Harris, Bernardo Kastrup, Let's get it on!
~C4Chaos: A Vote for Jill Stein
~C4Chaos: Dr. Eben Alexander vs. Sam Harris
~C4Chaos: Political Theater known as the U.S. Presidential Election.
~C4Chaos: knowing is better than believing
~C4Chaos: "It's all about Love."
~C4Chaos: Terence McKenna and the Psychedelic Path to Gnosis
~C4Chaos: Shinzenism
~C4Chaos: what is Mythophysics?
~C4Chaos: Shinzenism: On Competent Teachers
~C4Chaos: Shinzenism: The Fundamental Theorem of Human Happiness
~C4Chaos: Shinzenism: The Path
~C4Chaos: Exopolitical Text From Hillary
~C4Chaos: Truth Out Radio, Live with Richard Dolan
~C4Chaos: F.Raven's 2nd Birthday
~C4Chaos: Need to Know Petition - The Obama Dream Scenario
~C4Chaos: SOPA Resistance Day!
~C4Chaos: F.Raven with GrandMa