Andrey St.: Kuzma, nice to meet you
Andrey St.: DSC_5753
Andrey St.: DSC_5472
Andrey St.: DSC_5612
Andrey St.: DSC_5521
Andrey St.: DSC_5513
Andrey St.: DSC_5328
Andrey St.: DSC_5312
Andrey St.: DSC_5282
Andrey St.: DSC_5263
Andrey St.: DSC_5246
Andrey St.: DSC_5700
Andrey St.: The gardener
Andrey St.: Morning exercises
Andrey St.: At the position
Andrey St.: Stilled desire
Andrey St.: Morning in the cats paradise
Andrey St.: Сhasing the kitty
Andrey St.: At the backyard
Andrey St.: Walking around
Andrey St.: I'm watching you
Andrey St.: Fire cat
Andrey St.: Dreaming about...
Andrey St.: Hypno cat
Andrey St.: Did somebody order a kitten with pears?
Andrey St.: I got your leg!
Andrey St.: Hide and seek
Andrey St.: Slide off!
Andrey St.: Kitty at the midday sun
Andrey St.: Uncomfortable but safe