davec_uk: It’s important to keep to a routine when working from home. Also make your surroundings an extension of your mind. Oh dear....
davec_uk: Photo
davec_uk: #dogsofberko #dogsofberkhamsted meet sammy, destroyer of worlds
davec_uk: Photo
davec_uk: Photo
davec_uk: Happy Christmas from the flat rainy part of England where the heating is always set to the “Sahara desert” setting
davec_uk: My advent calendar
davec_uk: A running machine and Zwift
davec_uk: #festivaloflight
davec_uk: Photo
davec_uk: Tonight I will mostly be drinking lemsip
davec_uk: Photo
davec_uk: Dragon flagon
davec_uk: Is this really what has become of the double decker.?
davec_uk: Photo
davec_uk: Photo
davec_uk: Who needs a mountain bike for a bit of Wednesday night off-roading
davec_uk: #dogsofberko #notmydog #marley #13outof10GoodBoy
davec_uk: #notmydog #dogsofberko #charlie
davec_uk: Photo
davec_uk: Today’s country house selfie comes from Heythrop park
davec_uk: #redarrows #silverstone #f1
davec_uk: Photo
davec_uk: Photo
davec_uk: A quick bit of culture on the way home
davec_uk: Photo
davec_uk: Moose is in the hoose. #notmydog #dogsofberko
davec_uk: #notmydog
davec_uk: @tom_tom_heart_new_start_
davec_uk: @svs001