J.Russell: All Saints, Stock: brass to Richard Twedye
J.Russell: Spirit of Chartwell moored near St Katherine's dock
J.Russell: Spirit of Chartwell
J.Russell: Gloriana
J.Russell: Parturition practice
J.Russell: Looking East towards Gaynes Park
J.Russell: Stewards Green Lane
J.Russell: Redwing
J.Russell: Life cycle of the Burnet Moth
J.Russell: Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)
J.Russell: Broad-bodied Chaser (female)
J.Russell: Broad-bodied Chaser (male)
J.Russell: Now that I have your attention...
J.Russell: St Peter, South Hanningfield
J.Russell: St Peter, South Hanningfield (2)
J.Russell: St Mary, Buttsbury - North door
J.Russell: St Mary, Buttsbury
J.Russell: St Andrew, Greensted-juxta-Ongar
J.Russell: St Mary, High Ongar - tympanum
J.Russell: St Mary, High Ongar
J.Russell: The Triumph of Divine Providence
J.Russell: The Ascension, Santa Croce in Gerusalemme
J.Russell: Chapel of the Holy Relics
J.Russell: Chapel of St Helen
J.Russell: Theydon Bois to Epping
J.Russell: The Gardens of Little Easton Lodge
J.Russell: Jack Russell - icy morning
J.Russell: A Jack Russell on a misty morning
J.Russell: Portico, San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome
J.Russell: Arms of Pope Pius VI