congeetime: NYC
congeetime: Perseid meteor showers
congeetime: Perseid meteor showers
congeetime: Perseid meteor showers
congeetime: Perseid meteor showers
congeetime: Perseid meteor showers
congeetime: Iris
congeetime: Blackberry 9900
congeetime: Gordy's Strap + Fujifilm X10
congeetime: Super Macro on the Fuji x10
congeetime: Citizen Watch
congeetime: Citizen Watch
congeetime: Rusty lock key
congeetime: Super macro on the x10
congeetime: Toronto Skateboarder at Cityhall
congeetime: Rockefeller Center
congeetime: Penn Station
congeetime: Fujifilm x10!
congeetime: Totoro :)
congeetime: Rabbit :|
congeetime: Red Clouds
congeetime: Fujifilm x10 Lenses cap
congeetime: Testing the macro modes on the x10
congeetime: Wine Glass
congeetime: ice necklace
congeetime: timesquare