conceptvessel: a reverie on flax (paper)
conceptvessel: presences, an exhibition* (cover)
conceptvessel: a small collection (cover)
conceptvessel: painting (cover)
conceptvessel: teaching about art and culture
conceptvessel: root chakra (breathing)
conceptvessel: root chakra (dancing)
conceptvessel: root chakra (centering)
conceptvessel: portrait of my shoes (because caroline asked)
conceptvessel: through the flax 1
conceptvessel: through unbleached abaca
conceptvessel: through the flax 4
conceptvessel: a study in projection
conceptvessel: through the flax 2
conceptvessel: a study in translucency
conceptvessel: may all beings be free*
conceptvessel: may all beings be safe*
conceptvessel: a birthday wish from the generous fish...
conceptvessel: learning to paint is learning to see...
conceptvessel: devotion...
conceptvessel: happiness...
conceptvessel: let it be...
conceptvessel: remembering...
conceptvessel: a story...
conceptvessel: book of prayer...
conceptvessel: happiness ~ albert and ida (a memory box)
conceptvessel: meditation #1
conceptvessel: for the traveler #2
conceptvessel: fragile
conceptvessel: vessels