conceptvessel: at the tea house...
conceptvessel: in the beloved garden...
conceptvessel: approaching the bridge...
conceptvessel: for the dreamer...
conceptvessel: contemplating the journey...
conceptvessel: one vessel, filled with the sky...
conceptvessel: a creative response to dark times*
conceptvessel: one book...
conceptvessel: waiting...
conceptvessel: one urn contemplates...
conceptvessel: flowing...
conceptvessel: looking closer...
conceptvessel: one moment...
conceptvessel: near the flowing water...
conceptvessel: one vintage vessel…
conceptvessel: scribere (inviting the poets)
conceptvessel: a friend*
conceptvessel: happiness (for caroline)*
conceptvessel: reverie of a recent journey
conceptvessel: for cyndi
conceptvessel: near furnace run, i met two quiet horses...
conceptvessel: from a recent journey...
conceptvessel: from a recent journey...
conceptvessel: a message for the dreamer...
conceptvessel: a reverie for these holy days*
conceptvessel: a reverie for the inner journey...
conceptvessel: october*
conceptvessel: autumn*