conceptvessel: morning...
conceptvessel: at the threshold...
conceptvessel: morning, river, rain...
conceptvessel: spring journey: toward the river...
conceptvessel: a summer reverie of water...
conceptvessel: consider the sunlight...
conceptvessel: spring journey: toward the beloved
conceptvessel: summer musings: an encounter, part five
conceptvessel: summer musings: letter from a poet...
conceptvessel: summer musings: an encounter, part one
conceptvessel: summer musings: an encounter, part two
conceptvessel: summer musings: an encounter, part three
conceptvessel: summer musings: an encounter, part four
conceptvessel: violin solo...
conceptvessel: moments...
conceptvessel: one moment...
conceptvessel: a reverie...
conceptvessel: busy days :)
conceptvessel: a garden of haiku... and tanka
conceptvessel: wednesday's journey...
conceptvessel: a reverie...
conceptvessel: an encounter...
conceptvessel: one moment...
conceptvessel: a reverie of water...
conceptvessel: closer...
conceptvessel: late afternoon, in the garden...
conceptvessel: a flower for the travelers...
conceptvessel: journeys...