Lee.Harper: Salaidine_3431
Lee.Harper: Saladine_3412
Lee.Harper: OldCity-Citadel_3192
Lee.Harper: OldCity-Bazzaar_3263
Lee.Harper: Old City - Aleppo
Lee.Harper: OldCity_3125
Lee.Harper: OLd City_3202
Lee.Harper: Kalab-Aleppo_3353
Lee.Harper: JabalKasa_ALepp_3409
Lee.Harper: Citadel_Aleppo_3175
Lee.Harper: children in conflict
Lee.Harper: children in conflict
Lee.Harper: Old City
Lee.Harper: AlTaweed,OldCity_3116
Lee.Harper: Old City - Aleppo
Lee.Harper: Hekicopter shot down
Lee.Harper: Hurrican of the West
Lee.Harper: Funneral
Lee.Harper: mourning the dead
Lee.Harper: Gas Mask
Lee.Harper: Dead commander of the Hurrican of the North Katiba
Lee.Harper: Bullets and magazine
Lee.Harper: Dead Assad Pilot ID
Lee.Harper: Captain of Hurrican of the West
Lee.Harper: Mourns of a brother lost
Lee.Harper: Grave
Lee.Harper: reading a pray
Lee.Harper: Commander of the Hurricane of the West
Lee.Harper: Remains of a Helicopter
Lee.Harper: Mannagh surrounding village