Community Eye Health: Allied ophthalmic personnel screen for glaucoma
Community Eye Health: My eyes are dead now and it is your fault.'
Community Eye Health: Looking at two visual fields together
Community Eye Health: Central retinal vein occlusion.
Community Eye Health: Glaucoma end stage, cupped optic disc.
Community Eye Health: Non-glaucomatous bilateral visual field defects
Community Eye Health: The patient's right eye is blind, probably due to a intumescent cataractous lens causing phacomorphic glaucoma, leading on to absolute glaucoma.
Community Eye Health: A central 30 degree field for advanced POAG. This grey scale shows a deep central defect encroaching on fixation.
Community Eye Health: Testing visual fields to confrontation.
Community Eye Health: Good communication with patients is an important element of glaucoma care. NIGERIA
Community Eye Health: A glaucoma education session for patients and their families at Jimma university Eye Centre. ETHIOPIA
Community Eye Health: Instilling your own eye drops.
Community Eye Health: Normal optic nerve head
Community Eye Health: Normal optic nerve head of a young African patient
Community Eye Health: This child's eye is blind from glaucoma. Evidence of previous surgery (iridectomy).
Community Eye Health: Ocular coherence tomography
Community Eye Health: Fundus photograph of an optic nerve
Community Eye Health: Glaucomatous optic nerve head of a patient with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (PXFG)
Community Eye Health: Presbyopia
Community Eye Health: Glaucomatous optic neuropathy: splinter haemorrhages
Community Eye Health: Acute stage neovascular glaucoma
Community Eye Health: Glaucomatous optic neuropathy
Community Eye Health: Patients wait for their follow-up examination, which will include IOP measurement – an essential component of postoperative glaucoma care. NIGERIA
Community Eye Health: A Community eye health field assistant uses a flyer to counsel an older person about glaucoma. MADAGASCAR.
Community Eye Health: Patients with open-angle glaucoma need our support in order to understand how they can help prevent further sight loss from this life-long disease. TANZANIA
Community Eye Health: Glaucoma care requires skilled personnel who can work in teams
Community Eye Health: Moderate glaucoma
Community Eye Health: Advanced glaucoma
Community Eye Health: Digital-fundus-photography-for-glaucoma-screening
Community Eye Health: Volunteers spread awareness about glaucoma. CAMEROON