Community Eye Health: Spectacles improve access to education.
Community Eye Health: A child is screened for refractive error in her school. ZIMBABWE
Community Eye Health: Near vision spectacles
Community Eye Health: Visual milestones for children aged 3–36 months
Community Eye Health: Dense central cataract
Community Eye Health: Checking fixation in young children
Community Eye Health: Cataract in children
Community Eye Health: Examining a baby at the slit lamp. INDIA
Community Eye Health: Child wearing spectacles
Community Eye Health: Severe preseptal cellulitis
Community Eye Health: Orbital cellulitis
Community Eye Health: Passing sutures
Community Eye Health: Vitreoretinal surgery
Community Eye Health: Vitreoretinal surgery simulation training
Community Eye Health: Using a phaco machine.
Community Eye Health: Eye surgery training using a simulator
Community Eye Health: Suture needle
Community Eye Health: Suture needle
Community Eye Health: Surgical training in a dry lab
Community Eye Health: Phaco Training
Community Eye Health: Surgical instruments
Community Eye Health: Watching an eye operation
Community Eye Health: Microsurgical instruments
Community Eye Health: Surgical instruments
Community Eye Health: Trachoma surgery
Community Eye Health: How to hold surgical instruments.
Community Eye Health: Suturing practice.
Community Eye Health: Correcting bent instruments
Community Eye Health: Correcting bent instruments
Community Eye Health: Surgical simulation training