Community Eye Health:
School boy wearing spectacles - Cambodia
Community Eye Health:
School children in India
Community Eye Health:
Spectacles resting on a copy of the CEHJ
Community Eye Health:
Boys playing cricket wearing spectacles
Community Eye Health:
Children waiting for their eye examination, Zambia
Community Eye Health:
Singapore government myopia campaign
Community Eye Health:
Learning outdoors; school children in a class held outside, Ethiopia
Community Eye Health:
Preventing myopia in East Asia - school outdoor activities in a garden, China
Community Eye Health:
Preventing myopia in East Asia - a bright classroom design
Community Eye Health:
Testing visual acuity using a tumbling E chart, Uganda
Community Eye Health:
Pinhole-testing, Tanzania
Community Eye Health:
Myopia in girls, India
Community Eye Health:
Refraction, Mexico
Community Eye Health:
School boys wearing spectacles in the classroom, Pakistan
Community Eye Health:
Orthokeratology lens
Community Eye Health:
School girl with myopia - Cambodia
Community Eye Health:
Slit-lamp examination; screening for trachomatous trichiasis, Oman
Community Eye Health:
Onchocerciasis mapping team, Sokoto, Nigeria
Community Eye Health:
Child measured for spectacles, India