Community Eye Health:
PEEK retina
Community Eye Health:
Multiple blot haemorrhages, corresponding to the R3 grade in the Scottish Grading Protocol: Severe non-proliferative or pre-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Community Eye Health:
Nurse grades an image at Donga Diabetes Centre, Francistown. BOTSWANA.
Community Eye Health:
Show patients their retinal images and highlight any changes. BOTSWANA.
Community Eye Health:
Checking a patient with diabetes for eye disease. Mulago Hospital. Kampala UGANDA.
Community Eye Health:
Photographic screening for diabetic eye disease. BOTSWANA.
Community Eye Health:
Health care worker screening in the community using Peek, a smartphone based diagnostic tool. KENYA.
Community Eye Health:
Completely immerse the reagent strip.
Community Eye Health:
Strip against the colour chart on the container.
Community Eye Health:
Wide field fundus photograph showing peripheral retinal laser and macular laser (most evident on the temporal macula).
Community Eye Health:
Retinal haemorrhages and microaneurysms at this density in all four quadrants indicate severe preproliferative retinopathy, an indication for peripheral retinal laser
Community Eye Health:
Exhibits to create awareness about diabetic retinopathy. INDIA.
Community Eye Health:
Mobile screening van for diabetic retinopathy - INDIA
Community Eye Health:
New vessels at the disc (red-free).
Community Eye Health:
New vessels at the disc. There are new vessels at the optic disc, indicating high risk proliferative retinopathy.
Community Eye Health:
Severe non-proliferative or pre-proliferative DR
Community Eye Health:
An example of macular grid laser around the fovea.
Community Eye Health:
Microaneurysms and haemorrhages. An example of moderate non-proliferative DR.
Community Eye Health:
Severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
Community Eye Health:
Cotton wool spots, haemorrhages, and microaneurysms. An example of severe non-proliferative DR.
Community Eye Health:
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Community Eye Health:
Exudates (bright yellow). An example of mild macular oedema.
Community Eye Health:
Exudates. An example of severe macular oedema.
Community Eye Health:
Normal retina
Community Eye Health:
Waiting for cataract clinic - Ivory Coast
Community Eye Health:
Laser treatment for proliferative diabetic retinopathy. SOUTH AFRICA.
Community Eye Health:
Examining a patient's retina. MEXICO.
Community Eye Health:
Anti-VEGF injections are given in a clean room
Community Eye Health:
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy