Community Eye Health:
Community distribution of ivermectin for onchocerciasis. NIGERIA
Community Eye Health:
Treatment is brought to every home in the village. ZANZIBAR
Community Eye Health:
Genemo Abdela, health professional, is one of a team surveying almost 600,000 people in Ethiopia for the neglected tropical disease trachoma. ETHIOPIA
Community Eye Health:
Lymphatic filariasis patients learn about the benefits of foot washing. SRI LANKA
Community Eye Health:
Access to water can help to combat NTDs.
Community Eye Health:
Community social mapping
Community Eye Health:
Children line up to receive their deworming medicine. NICARAGUA
Community Eye Health:
Elephantiasis due to lymphatic filariasis
Community Eye Health:
Community Eye Health:
TT Trachomatous Trichiasis.
Community Eye Health:
After giving stool and urine samples (to detect soil-transmitted helminths and schistosomiasis, respectively) the children are checked for signs of trachoma. TOGO
Community Eye Health:
A community directed distributor. NIGERIA
Community Eye Health:
Similar but different bulbs
Community Eye Health:
A health worker examining children during a trachoma survey. TURKANA, KENYA
Community Eye Health:
How to measure the pulse
Community Eye Health:
A community health extension worker (CHEW) in Kataboi dispensary, Turkana County, gives azithromycin to a child during mass drug administration. KENYA
Community Eye Health:
Community Eye Health:
Different connection types