Community Eye Health: It is important for the surgeon to recognise the reverse simcoe.
Community Eye Health: Surgeries, once performed in regional hospitals, increased with decentralisation to smaller health units. MOROCCO.
Community Eye Health: TS Trachomatous Scarring.
Community Eye Health: TT Trachomatous Trichiasis.
Community Eye Health: Corneal opacity (CO).
Community Eye Health: Children collecting water.
Community Eye Health: Explaining the disease process (of trachoma) and the need for trichiasis surgery to an often reluctant population.
Community Eye Health: Trachomatous inflammation - intense.
Community Eye Health: Trachomatous inflammation - follicular.
Community Eye Health: Height-based azithromycin dosing. ETHIOPIA.
Community Eye Health: Azithromycin tablets in the hand of a child. TANZANIA.
Community Eye Health: A child receiving oral azithromycin suspension for prevention of trachoma.
Community Eye Health: An eye care worker wearing a SAFE promotion T shirt examines eyes for trachoma in Nepal.
Community Eye Health: Mass antibiotic distribution for the prevention of trachoma.
Community Eye Health: A trichiasis surgeon operating. NIGER.
Community Eye Health: Trichiasis surgery. NIGER.
Community Eye Health: After TT surgery. VIETNAM.
Community Eye Health: A mother treating her child with 1% tetracycline eye ointment. KENYA.
Community Eye Health: Child. NIGER.
Community Eye Health: Older woman. NIGER.
Community Eye Health: Trichiasis surgery being performed in a primary school classroom. TANZANIA.
Community Eye Health: Children face washing. NEPAL.
Community Eye Health: Face washing for prevention of trachoma.
Community Eye Health: A young child receiving azithromycin. MALI.