Community Eye Health: The normal anterior eye.
Community Eye Health: Ophthalmia neonatorum.
Community Eye Health: Anatomy of the eye.
Community Eye Health: Corneal abrasion / Chemical burn.
Community Eye Health: Puncture wound of cornea with iris prolapse.
Community Eye Health: Vitamin A deficiency and the eye.
Community Eye Health: Measles kerato-conjunctivitis.
Community Eye Health: Subconjunctival haemorrhage / total hyphaema.
Community Eye Health: Herpes simplex and the eye.
Community Eye Health: Iridocyclitis.
Community Eye Health: Acute glaucoma.
Community Eye Health: Corneal scarring.
Community Eye Health: Stages in the development of trachoma.
Community Eye Health: Strabismus.
Community Eye Health: Leprosy and the eye.
Community Eye Health: Onchocerciasis / river blindness.
Community Eye Health: Acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis.
Community Eye Health: Vernal keratoconjunctivitis affecting the limbus (left), the conjunctiva and cornea (right).
Community Eye Health: Corneal foreign body (FB).
Community Eye Health: Refraction.
Community Eye Health: Active corneal ulcer with hypopyon (white cells in the anterior chamber).