Cometblack: Gwens Gaze
Cometblack: Piper Python
Cometblack: Piper Python
Cometblack: Piper Python
Cometblack: Piper Python
Cometblack: Piper Python
Cometblack: Piper Python
Cometblack: Piper Python
Cometblack: Piper Python
Cometblack: Piper Python
Cometblack: Pandora Time Jumper.. Secret Agent
Cometblack: Pandora Time Jumper.. Secret Agent
Cometblack: Pandora Time Jumper.. Secret Agent
Cometblack: Piper Python
Cometblack: Pandora Time Jumper.. Secret Agent
Cometblack: Pandora Time Jumper.. Secret Agent
Cometblack: Pandora Time Jumper.. Secret Agent
Cometblack: New Eyes :)
Cometblack: Feeple Posing ❤
Cometblack: Just a quick photo op. Piper is so beautiful i usually don't like the default face ups but hers is an exception good thing i got a sleeping head to modify! Piper is a F60 Lunnula
Cometblack: Not bad after such a long hiatus
Cometblack: Heads i need to face up or finish. Bleh why is the weekend so short
Cometblack: Waiting together while i work on Pandora's face up sketches and her sleeping head mod sketches. Ugh i want her to be just right before i drive in
Cometblack: Don't roll your eyes at me Enney.
Cometblack: Just spending quality time with my cuprit after not seeing her for 4 months due to packing and moving! Oh how l missed her.
Cometblack: Workdesk for face-ups time to get to some fun. :)
Cometblack: Pandora's Adventure
Cometblack: Pandora
Cometblack: Juliet
Cometblack: Juliet