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albums of collectomania, retirement selling, call me
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EPHEMERA 19th century, chromo cards : anthropomorph insects, flowers & animals acting as humans,
postcards album Sinterklaas kerstman Father Christmas kerst denneboom kerstboom engelen
20241125_Virtual iseum DRANK Elixir d'Anvers Alcohol reclame FX De Beukelaer ANVERS Antwerpen COLLECTOMANIA tel 003247569 2847
over 100 non #Belgian #trade-cards all #PORCELAIN visit cards 1840 à 1870 archivd and organised in their Country order
WATER Menu chromo etiketten reklame postkaarten prijskijstkaarten
20241111 Video Album Notgeld money bankbiljetten banknotes CollcetomaniaDOTbe
3 Maps with about 700 cards (count them yourself) 19th century cards about music, dancing, instruments
Album Menu cards postcards Bookmarks Cibils verzameling meat bouillon extract of meat extrait de viande Fleisch extract
Album 03 and 04 Cibils collection trade cards advertising chromos meat bouillon extract of meat extrait de viande Fleisch extract (39)
Collection trade cards advertising chromos CIBILS meat bouillon 19th ephemera
voorbeeld van een verzameling Liebig Vleesschextrakt nrs 0216 tot 1091 Album volledige reeksen vanaf 1888 tot 1914 - uitkiezen kan
my eyes only SOLD Mick Collins Insects 19th collection of trade cards
Album komt beschikbaar in veiling of vooraf bij afhaling , ingestoken postkaarten in prachtige staat - van rond #"De çi-de là" illustrator #AMEDEE #Lynen postcards set 196 in an album
about 70 non #Belgian #trade-cards nicknamed #PORCELAIN cards 1840 à 1870
1840 #cartes-porcelaines PUB porceleinkaarten buitland etranger France Holland Allemagne 19th
Cordemans = Parein
enkele chromolitho reeksen Parein, biscuit fabrikant te Antwerpen Zuid : Brussel straat en Cobourg straat... drukker typhorafie FRIAZAR Rotterdam. Herkent iemand de kunstenaar?
c1885, 7 chromos : first comics, frog story , shop PUB
chromo litho c1893 Buckeye incubator booklet chicken farm Columbian Exposition Publicity chicken cock egg fowler vollaie
13 #balboekjes litho 19eEEUW ephemera Collectomania #Antwerpen
tischkarten, cartes de table, table-cards, place-cards, guest-cards, Liebig-Company,cartoncinalbum
Album DRIESSEN : more than 340 chromos 19th DRIESSEN chokolade chocklats chroms lithos lithochromo Holland Netherlands Antiquariaat antiquarian ephemera advertising Collectomania Antwerpen Belgium new alb19th DRIESSEN chokolade chocklats chroms lithos
album07,Chromolithos,19e, eeuw, 180,prenten, Liebig, telefoneren, 0475692847
album06 Chromos 19th eeuw : 181 publiciteitskaarten ALLES gefotografeerd
Huntley and Palmers - cards for sale individual or full collections of 6 or 12 cards
album04 & album05 Chromos 19th century advertsing 314 cards adres shops and industry
new albumIMG_7453-7506_Album01_2ehands
chromos, 150 jaar oude eerste strips 19eeuw - Album 02 IMG_7453-7506_Album01_2ehands
Album Antwerpen01 : 1870 à 1920 Shops : city & address, business & activity, dates if known, name of Shop & owners during existence ( 50 years : widow, &sons, & sister/brother, succesors ), printer of card, illustrators, thematics images on front of car
chromos 19th century - distributed in the streets , center of town
anthropomorph animals and utensils moving as people
DINOS dinosaurs on tradecards
Painter's paletess tradecards
Thematic searches for all kind of subjects on tradecards 1870 to1960 - how to find
40 sets = 240 chromo cards, recepten_1888-1908_Deutsche Rezepten Karten - the collection has many thousands cards in many languages. they are all chromelithography exept for 1872 to 1882's first editions which were hand press Litho
card prices fo individual cards, in our albums
#IBLED-collection - Chocolats avec marques commençant à la lettre i
TP for your eyes only
Pharmacy - doctors, cures advertising on 19th century tradecards ... all lithographic printing, world wide editions
numbered pages 20231020th : GEO Africa Black people humor 19th century
tickets de chaise for your eyes only
PO_ST _MIL_FRANCE_posterstamps_Delandre
Liebig explanation on our sale system through my FREE cataloge online
Meurisse ( Antwerp chocolat factory ) ALBUM anno 1910
new album for a friend
Cardboard Publicity ART NOUVEAU in Shops and Shop windows to turn-around and read the story for the children who admired the HAND PRESS Litho painting
programs & litho before 1900 related to theatre
for a friend - Victoria album Règne Animal _ Het dierenrijk
Album_DRINKS_II_JENEVER_other BRands_strong alcoholc drinks 19th century advertsing
reeks pompiers vervolg S204
Album DRINKS_Ricqlés_ALCOOL de MENTHE album
TALPE chromos - ALBUM01_yellow -
Tradecards -1001 nights - fairy tales ( sprookjes, tales, Ferien) TALPE & Pharmacie_du_PROGRES - around 1890 to 1914
Album Pirates AND Album FAR WEST cowboys and Native Americans -
Liebig Company German printed sheets, to glue on backsides of Begian (French or Flemisch sets; for non edited sets in German, Begium, starting around 1949
Fairy tales - sprookjes - Ferien - contes - 1001 Nächte, nights, nachten - edited before WWI
7 different games --- jeu d'oie - goose board - ganzenbord
cards - art nouveau trade cards : fables_elixir_de_Kempeneer
Fables de LaFontaine - MAP02
2 maps : FABELS-FABLES map 2 and 3
Suchard die cuts scraps 19th
fables Suchard reserved
Military theme - 1918 - stamps ERINOPHILIA
Goosens 08 edition Au Bon Marché 1904 - 12 cards
INV_PO_ST_album 04 luchtvaart -
INV_PO_ST_album_TOBLERONE : 70 #Poster-Stamp glued #Vignettes #Sluitzegels Reklame Marken IDO kunsttaal album PUB TOBLERONE schokolade RARE
INV_PO_ESPERANTO_album 01 Esperanto_01
INV_CREME LIEBIG = Collection of 3 albums : Album1 RED cover nrs 1-42 / Album 2 BROWN cover nrs 43-90 /album3 GREEN cover nrs 91 to 158
all my album collections here are for trade : exchange for similar or sale
69 complete serials - anno 1900 à1905 - Liebig Vleesch-extract EXTRACT OF MEAT sets - before auction numbers catalogue 0637 to 0831
17 sets Liebig Extract Vleesch Extract - Vlaams 0586 to 0636_NL album
1897 à 1899 Liebig Vleeschextract sets - before auction numbers catalogue 0575 until 0580
Liebig album 11 april to be joined in may 2022 in catalogue
Liebig sets in DUTCH (Nederlands / VLAAMS ) 1891 to 1908 - 17 sets
19th century tradecards postcards chromos Boter margarine Brunita VandenBergh
Album inventory trade cards 19th century, al these about mythology,moon,sun,maan,zon,stars,gods,universe,trade cards,wwwDOTcollectomaniaDOTbe and seasons on earth
catalogue perfume DRALLE, parfumerie,Altona, Hamburg,Katalog,anno 1925,ART DECO,KOMPLETE,VG, Colibri, Malafinne, dentifrices, Poppy
folder from 1913 commemoration for liberation of our River SCHELDE 4rth biggest Harbour of the world : very nostalgic
an album containing all kind of scraps and folded paper hand work ... also Origami, Japanese, multiple, folded, paper, glued, 19th, in a nice old album ALBUM
album Liebig sets edited for Flanders Netherlands and South Afrika, 19th - collection COLLECTOMANIA.be
Ephemera talk about 19th century advertising litho-hand-press sets of trade cards - original paintings gouaches to be used as proof to print
wild animals acting as humans 19th chromos - Anthropomorph insects attacking people fear scary humor humour strange weird creepy
menucards Liebig company -
anno 1870 - 4 chromo litho related to PAQUES OSTERN eggs oeufs Eastern chicken cock rooster, ART 13cmX11cm
full album with 19th century litho chromo advertising trade cards - 450 different in a very good condition and we did not count cards with defects ... most printed around 1870 to 1890, some around 1900. Fantastic collection
INV-album Cirkus - Circus : 1880 à 1910 - hand press litho advertsing cards with cat, Pierrot, circus, clown
album Cirkus - Circus : 1880 à 1910 - hand press litho advertsing cards
AC_au Bon Marché 19th century sets : dolls poupées
High Resolution scans, how to proceeed
for friend - year2000
INV Porcelain cards numbered 814 to 897
MALAGA labels 1850 to1880
i_sale_Crystal Palace 30 cards anno 1867
i_T-MAP_dentist pharmacy Tandarts ZahnArtz dentiste tooth teeth - a full map of mostly tradecards before World War I
i_DV-MAP01_duif album duif DUIVEN colombes Tauben Pigeon Dove
INV_Scraps_MAP27 FRUIT bloemen_
i_sale_Nestlé_NESTLE - Suisse Switserland choclate company - tradecards
INV_A-MAP_#KLAUS-Kohler collection album
INV_SCRAPS_3 MAPS numbered 24 (mignotesses wishing cards - MAP 25 anthropomorp dogs - MAP 26 hands, mains, Handen, 25 and 26MAP 21 22 & 23
INV_Scraps albums 15, 16, 17 most advertising litho chromos, some stand-ups
INVC_Scraps_map13_letters and numbers
INV_SCRAPS MAP011 dogs Mops,Teckel,Windhond
INV_SCRAPS_MAP08 Inventory Boat Scraps
INV_SCRAPS-Map07 - Christmas, santa Claus and Seachells
INV_SCRAPS - Map06 - Retirement sale - Christmas, Santa Claus, Angels
INV_SCRAPS MAP05-angels, cupido, wings
INV_scraps_map04_tiger, wild animals, fish, indians
INV_SCRAPS -MAP 02 - birds, chicken, cocks
INV_Scraps - Map 01 - animals - horses and Donkeys
dino pre historic cards pre 1900 lithographic hand press
Meat Extract ANTW 984 to 1080_1910 to1914
Liebig ANTW 673to821_1901to1905
example photograph : how to acquire cards from me
Liebig 1089 - Costumi E vedute dell' Austria
Liebig 1088 - Costumi della Svevia
Retirement auction #CIBILS
to be used in websites
fagot music instrument
archive 2019august19th YEAR 2000
porcelain cards album 2
Porceleinkaarten porcelain cards 1840 to 1870
CH NL GR 3 after 56
CH NL GR 3 - nrs 32 to 56
CH NL GR 3 numbers 27 to 32
album 3 Groote's chokolade chocolat - litho advertisiing tradecards around 1900 nrs 13 to 26
CH NL GR 3 - Grootes part 3
Au Bon Marché - catalogues, Etrennes, some not in catalogue
Au Bon Marché
album2 GROOTES
Grootes Chokolade Holland - Dutch Chocolate firm, before 1900, die cut trade cards
wild animals - cards from before 1900, all for sale at 20$ each; discounts depending on quantity
albums first 5 are binders and 4 last are books
Military orders on tradecards 1880 to 1890
Bensdorp CH NL Bensdorp - part one Album 01
KWATTA 2019 archive
bloemfontein - Holland naar Zuid-Afrika lijn
france invoices factures 1850 to 1930
RP used albums and sleeves
bonnets turques - suite 154 pièces - some look like double but they have other text - collection 2nd part
Bonnets Turcs - Turkey hats - Rez - reste de la collection 2018 July Collectomania
OXO Viandox & Liebig : all before 1914 , litho (exept the music disk and the stereo cards and some postcards expo 1930
catalogue JANSENS : album LIEBIG 790 tot 839
all kind of advertising form Liebig company - accumated for 60 years, most dates from before 1900
Liebig set 35, FRance 1872, 6 cards, nice condition, found in an original album from the Company
Tapioca ETOILE
Boerwar poster litho of extreme quality and perfect condition (has been folded originaly, but no signs of wear.fold
year 2000 - archive 2018
GEO Colonies Zuid Afrika
GEO Colonies M-T only Africa
GEO Colonies E-L - only Africa
AFRICA : definite choice A-D album
African countries colonies
Afrika feb18
Suchard, Au bon Marché, Cibils related to Africa
sluitzegels, cinderellas, Reklamemarken, vignettes, erinofilie
Liebig cards 207 63 129a 126b 159b 108e 105 and set 105
schaak : chess game, jeu d'échec, juego de achadraz, schaaakspel, SchachSpiel
matchbox collection, labels before 1900 - album with 1600 different labels glued in an old album, more scans at request
Suchard menucard set 12 cards and small cards from the choclate wrappers
Mich postcards
Mineral, mines, precious stones collction .. many tradecards before 1900 and a bunch of Postcards from 1900 to 1920
Cats related, dressed animals postcards illustrators WAINE and Thiele
pre historic animals : fast look at a collecction, good photographs follows when ready to auction
Armenie massacre
chewing gum wrappers
Liebig Company's Fleisch-Extract 0141 German language
Album-old-cards-c1890-litho-advertising-some-complete-sets-chromos-nice-VG Album-old-cards-c1890-litho-advertising-some-complete-sets-chromos-nice-VG Album-old-cards-c1890-litho-advertising-some-complete-sets-chromos-nice-VG Album-old-cards-c1890-lith
26 postcards Shirley Temple
12 cards litho chromos c1890 PUB CIBiLS extract - ALL 11cmX7cm - Swiss Lakes
butterflies CHdoosA3-650
CHdoosA3-600 tot 650
CH doosA3 - 600 - zwaluwen
album 101 bruin fotos op kaft
Liebig 267 278 307 257
liebig 0267
KU liebig fotos en menus jubiles
Cibils Cards cib_2_9_02
3 sets Malta
CHdoosA3_532-538_animals CATS
Animals-album 61- more than 200 cat tradecards2
Animals-album 62; more than 200 cat tradecards1
cats M.C.
GE FRANCE départements 60-69
CH GE France départements 76 to 96
schotensteenweg roofing
Van Houten cats ( choclate cards, litho PUB, around 1900 )
newspapers, gazette, zeitung, kranten : collection postcards,, vignettes, lithocromos
doosA3-521 and 522 second part Newspaper - 51 chromo Litho cards
olive oil, huille d'olive : 1893
4 albums Company Liebig : album 4 = perssonages, persons welknown in history worldwide, album 2 = all kind of animals
year 2000 ( l'an 2000 ) science fiction BEFORE 1900
DRANK bieretiketten
CR doos A3 401
CH doos A3 400
KU 02 PArfum02
KU 02 Parfum01
KU 02 grote foto Hoboken 01
prints engeland
135 advertising chromos, trade Cards c1900 small towns shops in FRANCE departments SAONE SAVOIE LOIRE SARTHE 70-74
Guérin boutron , big choclate firm very famous around 1900
CH doos 385school
Album FLIP koffie
Beavers Biber Biebers Castors : collection 67 different trade cards & labels, vignettes etc...
printer Alfred Clarey - Bains Turcs à Paris
Olympia BERLIN 1936 - nr 11, program discus throw, lancer du disque, mit fotos - Amt FUR Sportwerbung Olympische
aaa DR CR 2_2_21 unknown.JPG
Courbe Rouzet part 4
Courbe Rouzet part 3
printer Courbe Rouzet - part 2
Courbe Rouzet - cards 001 available
GE HOT (1)Hotel label collection
GE HOTELLABEL collection
CH doos A3 383 landen
CH doos A3 384 Sicard
CH doos A3 382 landen
CH doos A3 381 blask minstrel
puzzle eendjes
SCANNER HP photosmart
muziek kataloog
Postkaarten reeds op DELC of Ebay
2ed deel
Menus scheepvaart union castle
CH sujet (1)
2e deel
Chromos kettler drums
Album 2 nr 5051
album Corbeille Royale
Elxir De Kempeneer 2 stuks
puzzle Alexandre
Liebig M44 Grace
CH doos A2 379 schilderijen
CH doos A2 375 banknotes
poppen vervaardigen chromo
NAZI folder
photographie en couleurs 1890
japanse kaart
jeanne d'ARC
liebig newcentury 10 albums
GE Duitsland
CH sujet reeds op Delc of Ebay
CH doos a2 Diaphane sahrah bernardt
CH doos A2 375 Sahra
KUN BEK Kunst BEkenden
CH doos A2 374 concert 1870
CH doos A2 373 newsp
GE BE AN 1372 paspoort non
GE BE borgerhout Engels kamp
RE HEI Liborius
Album Calabro Napoleon
0179 NOVAK
3886 en 3887
Album Vliegtuigen ELIXIR FX de Beukelaer
Liebigfor sale in auction
wielerbaan rivierenhof
eventuele meesturen met 076
3e zending allerlei
0076 _15Euro
Amnon Egypte
CH sujet
2 only set 9
paul Davis TAble cards
liebig chinezen
Art deco hotel labels (achteraan farde Special)
Tickets tramways
Frank Fries christophe colomb
Aida voor FMJX
paul davies Liebig114
pakje dat erugkwm akb3608
CH Cibils Extract of Meat
DA Pasen
RE ENG BEW Engelbewaarder
WE MIL SAT military Satire military Satire, postcards and prints - collections
WE BE 100
2013-12-21 crusade Antoine
2013-12-12 liebig album 2013 12 (1)
2013-12-12 groen farde Liebig a1
2013-12-12 liebig album 2013 12
1033 Liebig 1911 hongrie Hongaria (11)
1033 Liebig 1911 hongrie Hongaria (12)
1033 Liebig 1911 hongrie Hongaria (3)
1033 Liebig 1911 hongrie Hongaria (10)
1033 Liebig 1911 hongrie Hongaria (15)
1033 Liebig 1911 hongrie Hongaria (7)
1033 Liebig 1911 hongrie Hongaria (14)
2013-12-02 DR ALC 013 - 024 (1)
2013-12-02 DR ALC 013 - 024
2013-11-26 VOGELS Vincaert
2013-11-26 VOGELS Vincaert
2013-11-22 theo Kegelaars - reklame (1)
2013-11-22 theo Kegelaars - reklame
2013-11-22 de Schelde va Vlissingen tot Antwerpen
2013-11-12 nestle
2013-11-12 m65
2013-11-12 ronnie Miller
2013-11-09 absynthe prix-courant (1)
2013-11-09 absynthe prix-courant
2013-11-09 Reims caves de Pommery
2013-11-08 suchard
2013-11-06 Meurisse album Delcampe
2013-11-05 Hellegat NIEL - Kasteel August Peeters
2013-11-05 litho drukkerij en tabak reklame
2013-11-04 jhv
2013-10-29 kokoschka 2
2013-10-29 kokoschka
2013-10-29 overweg MONS - chokolade ROSMEULEN NELS 25nr31
2013-10-28 devinettes - cartes à tourner - cards to search by turning them
2013-10-21 ELIXIR d'ANVERS - F.X. De Beukelaer - tampon BUVARD Chimique (1)
2013-10-21 ELIXIR d'ANVERS - F.X. De Beukelaer - tampon BUVARD Chimique
2013-10-18 pomamde de moustache - (1)
2013-10-18 pomamde de moustache -
2013-10-05 reuskens van Borgerhout - detail - OST alfred
2013-10-05 reuzen van Borgerhout - alfred ost
2013-10-01 55 glamour girls - card deck
2013-09 (sep) (1)
2013-09 (sep)
2013-09-20 relsky en prague uni (1)
2013-09-20 relsky en prague uni
2013-09-19 Liebig zweedse 554 (1)
2013-09-19 Liebig zweedse 554
2013-09-13 album Liebig Frans a1
2013-09-13 holland amerika line
2013-08-27 tafeltje gang
2013-08-20 FLAMANT
2013-08-18 samenvatting KUIFJES allemaal
2013-08-15 Kuifje
2013-08-15 de zonnetempel
2013-08-14 Liebig 1010
2013-08-11 artikel mitochondrien
2013-08-08 congo AiGLON 7 and 8 ( a b ) (1)
2013-08-08 congo AiGLON 7 and 8 ( a b )
2013-08 (aug) (1)
joyfull studying for parties and winterevenings with family on feast days with candlelight ... imagagine 1880 : no electricity !
2013-07 (jul)
2013-06-29 distilieies - distilierie - Porcelaine cards 1840 to 1870
2013-06-25 NAPOLEON - Calabro Réglisse Snoep
2013-06-25 Napoleon PUZZLES (1)
2013-06-25 Napoleon PUZZLES
2013-06-19 postkaart luchtbal cafe
2013-06-19 Vogels van de Belgische Fauna - 350 postkaarten (1)
2013-06-19 Vogels van de Belgische Fauna - 350 postkaarten
2013-06-18 liebig albums leeg
2013-06-13 Don quichotte - album
2013-06-12 BANANES labels
2013-06-12 album complete 113 (1)
2013-06-12 album complete 113
2013-06-10 julien dominique_aangetekend
2013-06-08 zeep box savon soap (1)
2013-06-08 zeep box savon soap
2013-06-06 Liebig Album ONLY opera (1)
2013-06-06 Liebig Album ONLY opera
2013-06-01 mickey 32 different (1)
2013-06-01 mickey 32 different
2013-06-01 mickey mouse
2013-06 (jun) (1)
2013-06 (jun)
2013-06-01 mickey mousse
2013-06-01 disney en 268 liebig & japanese geisha
geishas photos
2013-05-31 japan geishas en rairoad
2013-05-24 TR oorlogsschepen1 (1)
2013-05-24 TR oorlogsschepen1
2013-05 (mei)
2013-05-16 DR ALC et. ruhm liqueur etc (1)
2013-05-16 DR ALC et. ruhm liqueur etc
2013-05-14 314 a Baiern KATJA
2013-05-03 Mentana 1867 - papal zouave
2013-04-27 telecards
2013-04-27 Douwe Egberts blik
2013-04-26 Tirette2 LUX
2013-04-26 tirette lux
2013-04-26 foto lux lieve
reeds in
2013-04-25 ge GD LUXemburg lieve
2013-04-19 Zeppelin , iron cross e , 52 , toy speelgoed speelzeug
2013-04-18 GEO BE Antw landkaart - stadskaart ANTWERPEN (1)
2013-04-18 GEO BE Antw landkaart - stadskaart ANTWERPEN
SCHATTING_bestanden (1)
SCHATTING_2e proef_bestanden
2013-04-04 rupel isidoor Van der AUWERA scheepswerf
2013-04-04 Red star Line - antwerpen - Belgenland kalender
2013-04-03 abeilles 2
2013-04-03 in ' gulden hoefijzer fotkaaart te identificeren
2013-04-02 Scheepsplannen - shipping boten CMB passagiers (1)
2013-04-02 Scheepsplannen - shipping boten CMB passagiers
2013-04-01 absynthe 4
reeds ingebracht
2013-03-28 Drank ALC 001 genummerd en volgend deel in album (1)
2013-03-28 Drank ALC 001 genummerd en volgend deel in album
reeds op lister
2013-03-26 Calabro - eertse wereldoorlog - reglisse - chromos (1)
2013-03-26 Calabro - eertse wereldoorlog - reglisse - chromos
2013-03-13 Bevroren vuur Suske en wiske
2013-03-11 J.J. philips 536 (1)
2013-03-11 J.J. philips 536
2013-03 (mrt)
2013-03-09 1387 meistersanger von Nurenberg - opera
2013-03-05 wielrenners AZEN 1950 1951 1952 (1)
2013-03-05 wielrenners AZEN 1950 1951 1952
2013-03-04 AL CH 033 - album rouge de collections
2013-03-04 ref ALB CHR 032
2013-03-03 ABSYNTHE - vieux etiquettes 1846 à 1880 - old labels (1)
2013-03-03 ABSYNTHE - vieux etiquettes 1846 à 1880 - old labels
2013-02-23 0019_pot_spuit-gelei
2013-02-22 aagrand bazar
2013-02-11 hong kong
2013-02-10 de daltons breken uit - Dupuis
2013-02-09 Bar Piper - cornemuse - doedezak (1)
2013-02-09 Bar Piper - cornemuse - doedezak
2013-02-09 Delcampe oude papieren (1)
2013-02-09 Delcampe oude papieren
2013-02-05 albums de collection (1)
2013-02-05 albums de collection
2013-03-04 AL CH 031 - join
2013-02 (feb)
2013-01 (jan)
2013-01-25 ole andersen album postcards & liebig
2013-01-25 ge be lim lieve 3e deel al (1)
2013-01-25 ge be lim lieve 3e deel al
exchanged - not available anymore - Tickets Brussel Bruuxelles Tramways
2013-01-21 M31 pheasant an rabit
2013-01-21 Dupuis zwaardvechter met masker
2013-01-21 GE BE LIM 2e deel mams 19jan2013 (1)
2013-01-21 GE BE LIM 2e deel mams 19jan2013
2013-01-16 ronie rooster menus
2013-01-16 GEO BE LIMB HASSELT 2013 (1)
2013-01-16 GEO BE LIMB HASSELT 2013
2013-01-15 notarisreeks ANNONAY Roche & Bonnard
2013-01-12 Notarisprenten
2013-01-11 Davy crocket - De Beukelaer
2013-01-11 chickens au bon marche
2012-12-30 heiliegen gele deel20123012 (1)
2012-12-30 heiliegen gele deel20123012
overgebracht (4)
overgebracht (3)
reeds overgebracht (1)
reeds overgebracht
overgebracht (2)
overgebracht (1)
2012-12-28 2012 feestje kerstmis
2012-12-20 geischa GEISJA Japan - hand coloured - booklet harmonica