Livengood AK: DSC00634ex
Livengood AK: Igloo Greek, Alaska
Livengood AK: Frozen Salmon Sled Dog Snacks
Livengood AK: Kigluaik Mountains from Pilgrim Hot Springs
Livengood AK: Four Moose Drive to Work
Livengood AK: The hare disapproves of the musk ox
Livengood AK: The dogs found a tundra spring!
Livengood AK: Raven in lead, on right, is giving me the look "are we really going up this?"
Livengood AK: Supermoon over the Dog Team
Livengood AK: Sunset over the Nome River
Livengood AK: Willows look like lit up Christmas Trees at Sunset
Livengood AK: Kougarok Road During Winter
Livengood AK: Icy Willow at Sunrise
Livengood AK: Flank found a Spinal Cord
Livengood AK: Bering Sea Starting to Freeze over
Livengood AK: New Years Day run to the Osborn Dredge
Livengood AK: Up and Over!
Livengood AK: Weekend Traffic Jam
Livengood AK: Nome Alaska Corduroy Road
Livengood AK: 14 Dog Fall Training
Livengood AK: Running the Dogs Under the Railroad
Livengood AK: Baby Musk Ox Twins
Livengood AK: Dogs running under abandoned Alaska railroad north of Nome AK.
Livengood AK: Overlooking Nome Alaska
Livengood AK: Crossing the Nome River
Livengood AK: Taking a break at the foot of king mountain
Livengood AK: Heading towards Army Peak
Livengood AK: Star Trails Over the Dog Yard
Livengood AK: Heading South Towards the Bering Sea
Livengood AK: November Sky over the Neighborhood