fotoopa: Blinde Bij - Eristalis tenax. 300078
kdee64: Land of the Midnight Sun
kdee64: The Land that God Forgot
kdee64: Reflections of a Beautiful Day
Shadow Hunter: Crested Caracara
m.kojtka: scissor-tailed flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus)
kdee64: Autumn at the Rock Glacier
kdee64: Tree Swallow Iridescence, Nanostructure not Pigment
kdee64: Autumn in Carcross
J Centavo: Arizona Sunrise
Jacqueline.Ferrato: laguna atascosa sunset-2
Ed Schneider: Swainson's Warbler
dina j: Got a dog!
Kyle Hickman: Juvenile Night Heron
kttyhwkr: Atlantic Flyingfish - Cheilopogon melanurus
kdee64: McIntyre Creek and the Yukon River at Whitehorse
kdee64: Autumn Tundra in the North Ogilvies
colographicalchemy: Coyote chasing geese 4
kdee64: Approaching Storm on Twin Lakes
kdee64: Emerald Lake
kdee64: The White Pass Summit
Alex Thomson13: _N0J0474c
jcator: Patience is a Virtue (Barred Owl)
Ed Schneider: Eastern Bluebird - male
Ed Schneider: Cedar Waxwing
nigelsnell: Red-Kite
davidcreebirder: Swallow-tailed Kite_30
tripp.davenport: Vermilion Flycatcher, Pyrocephalus rubinus