coilll: Šuma*The woods
coilll: Partizan* The partisan
coilll: Izložba*Exibit
coilll: Drvo*A Tree
coilll: Home is where the heart is
coilll: Covek od soli* Salt man
coilll: Yello
coilll: Ostrvo Susak*Susak island
coilll: Kormoran*Great Cormorant
coilll: Manijak*Maniac
coilll: Ovacije*Ovations
coilll: Ulqini(collage)*Ulcinj(kolaz)
coilll: Factory walk
coilll: Stranci u magli* Strangers in the fog
coilll: Spokoj* Serenity
coilll: U slavu bogova* In the glory of the gods!
coilll: Mornarica* The navy
coilll: Plaza* The beach
coilll: Mislilac* The thinker
coilll: She works hard for the money!
coilll: Bez naziva* No title
coilll: Vegas is a place to be!
coilll: Skriveni ulaz*Hidden entrance
coilll: Jugoexport
coilll: Figura*Figure
coilll: Dizi sidra!*Sails up!
coilll: Oda Suzan Zontag*Ode to Susan Sontag
coilll: Just do your best darling!
coilll: Sitnije, Cile, sitnije!
coilll: Arbeit macht frei