coeurdefreesia: P1080286
coeurdefreesia: Monogramme I
coeurdefreesia: Monogramme M
coeurdefreesia: oiseau de lune2
coeurdefreesia: Broderie au ruban
coeurdefreesia: Miroir en broderie or
coeurdefreesia: Cretan Stitch - TAST 2012
coeurdefreesia: Monogramme A
coeurdefreesia: Fly stitch sampler
coeurdefreesia: Blooming Marvellous
coeurdefreesia: P1070785
coeurdefreesia: monogramme E
coeurdefreesia: One Thousand and one Nights
coeurdefreesia: One Thousand and one Nights
coeurdefreesia: One Thousand and one Nights
coeurdefreesia: One Thousand and one Nights
coeurdefreesia: CHAMPIGNON
coeurdefreesia: Goldwork tudor rose
coeurdefreesia: Goldwork honeysuckle
coeurdefreesia: bruyère (heather)
coeurdefreesia: P1060732
coeurdefreesia: Ring pillow
coeurdefreesia: libellule / dragonfly
coeurdefreesia: pois de senteur / sweet pea
coeurdefreesia: scarabée
coeurdefreesia: mante religieuse
coeurdefreesia: framboises (raspberries)