Spinr official: IMG_4693
Mike Doty: Bruce Goff Designed Lutheran Church in Bartlesville-2
shieldsokc: Bartlesville - ConocoPhillips perspective shot
pocket litter: Bartlesville Community Center
ArchiTexty: Bartlesville, OK Turquoise Slipcover
mikepj: The Blue Whale
liberalmind1012: full frontal
jasperroz: yellow bike rider............
KB35: Trolley
Johns Never Home: 43b Sapulpa OK - Humpty Pharmacy
Johns Never Home: 43b Sapulpa OK - Al's Route 66 Cafe 02
cmruark: DSCF1957
Lindell Dillon: Sapulpa Time
Photographs By Wade: Sapulpa On Rust
tarmo888: Flying Robinson R44 Over Tallinn
ezeiza: great salt plains, lake, shore, and hills
SzaniszloIvor: Tight 10 (Dj Krush)
EdiSellsTulsa: Middle
EdiSellsTulsa: Looking up
LewisPond: Bug shields
Okie1962: Art Deco
Okie1962: Art Deco light
mbryan777: Redbuds on Sand Creek
Soopafabulous: Merry Go Round
robertdx: Oklahoma State Criterium 2010 - Men's Cat 5
ArchiTexty: Bartlesville, OK Bartlesville Community Center stairs
imarcc: James Jackson McAlester's second store