Treebeard: Galls of the Spiny Leaf Gall Wasp on Wild Rose
Treebeard: Tephritid Fruit Fly ovipositing on California Thistle
Treebeard: Rear-end of a gorgeous Jumping Spider (Phidippus, Salticidae)
hello.ken1: tiffany-20170820-1
Treebeard: "Dead Man's Foot" (Pisolithus tinctorius) mushroom
Treebeard: Ash leaf caught in a spider web
Treebeard: Yerba Santa Lace Bug (Corythucha eriodictyonae)
Treebeard: Umber Skipper (Poanes melane) butterfly on Miner's Lettuce
Treebeard: Almost-mating Timema insects on Canyon Live Oak
Treebeard: Tiny mushrooms growing from the spine of a leaf of Coast Live Oak
MonsieurBon: It's alright up here I guess.
lamanyana: 3:15 pm
Dead Air: Dead Air Fresheners Rock the BBQ
rahen z: neko
Treebeard: Northern White-Skipper (Heliopetes ericetorum) butterfly on Fort Tejon Milk-Aster
Treebeard: Pacific Ambush Bug (Phymata pacifica, Phymatidae) on garden mint flowers
Treebeard: Camouflaged "looper caterpillar" of an Emerald moth (Synchlora, Geometridae) on California Buckwheat
lamanyana: Infinite
lamanyana: 6:30 am
Treebeard: California Clearwing Moth (Hemaris thetis, Sphingidae) on Wild Bergamot
rahen z: nekora
lamanyana: December at Castle Dragonswamp
Treebeard: Anise Swallowtail (Papilio zelicaon) caterpillar munching a leaf of non-native Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare, Apiaceae)
Treebeard: Agaricus bitorquis mushroom pushing up a hole in our chipseal road!
MonsieurBon: Hot springs campground.
djbrokenwindow: 10-20-15-lawenglish-11
hello.ken1: asagaya20151103-3
hello.ken1: @Harajuku Cat Street
Dead Air: Edge of Autumn
MonsieurBon: I made a menorah from a log and live moss harvested from our tree farm. Some metal, too.