Pep Peñarroya: Spiritual journey....
Pep Peñarroya: Monkey 47...
pasquente: the tides turning
pasquente: just this once
Arô Ribeiro: ©Arô Ribeiro -4241
Daniel Serva: [ 187/365 ] The Wanderer
marcin baran: Line Light Life
Arô Ribeiro: ©Arô Ribeiro -5659
marq4porsche: The Right Time
Neil. Moralee: Bodo Blow
Thomas Leuthard: The Umbrella Man #02
Pep Peñarroya: Sant Jaume bridge. Catalan side path.
Pep Peñarroya: Stopped on a track point, looking the right.... the calm of the Canelles swamp. Catalan side path.
Pep Peñarroya: Inside the gorge of Mont-Rebei... seated on a bench... =O) Catalan side path.
Pep Peñarroya: Stairs to heaven... =O) Aragonese side path.
jarnasen: Circles