cocojanelle: dew and lillies
cocojanelle: some more
cocojanelle: dewdrops on this one
cocojanelle: on the clothesline
cocojanelle: all the way down
cocojanelle: christmas decorations
cocojanelle: candlelight
cocojanelle: flaky. delicious. BAKLAVA
cocojanelle: close up, even more
cocojanelle: voodoo mask and fire
cocojanelle: the view outside
cocojanelle: out the windo
cocojanelle: group o girls
cocojanelle: cookin up something good
cocojanelle: LOOK AT IT
cocojanelle: nutella and bread
cocojanelle: me and a palmerita!
cocojanelle: HAHHAHA
cocojanelle: singular
cocojanelle: that's right, 4100 meters
cocojanelle: some gooood lookin' bakery stuff
cocojanelle: even if i explained it...
cocojanelle: pathway to heaven....
cocojanelle: the 4 of us
cocojanelle: oliver!!
cocojanelle: little flowerssss
cocojanelle: posing