ploafmaster: a care in the world
bibendum84: Paris - Tour Eiffel
bibendum84: Coquelicots
Ryan Brenizer: Smiling in the Rain
Ryan Brenizer: Bokeh-clad beauty
MXW: Lausanne or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Snow (2)
jperezsl: Catedral Nevada
KraKote est KoKasse.: Mark's gorgeous wife
Ilias Orfanos: Tuscany / Italy
Ilias Orfanos: Sunset / Makyneia / Etoloakarnania / Greece
Erik Torrico (scualicorax): De Vuelta a la Albufera
remuz [Jack The Ripper]: Sognando La California
DB-Photography: The Bride in the Light
Aubred: voiture prise par la glace sur le quai de versoix au bord du lac léman (Genève, Suisse) / ice covered car (versoix, switzerland)
Patrick Polak: Lugano 3
torode: Cookie Splash
kgka00: Hősök tere / Heroes square
Ryan Brenizer: She Came From Above
Ryan Brenizer: Hard-to-Get
Ryan Brenizer: Autumn's Fire
Ryan Brenizer: Beginnings and Endings
omiala: I've got stars
thouzndwords: bubbles
Imapix: Deadlock*