The Visual Poet: For you Dad....
loutraje: Etui à cigarettes
Steven Strasser: Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
loutraje: Marché Shan
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Hubble Views a Faraway Galaxy Through a Cosmic Lens
loutraje: Ragard noir
Steven Strasser: Backyard Azaleas
loutraje: Sur le Golfe de Kotor Montenegro
loutraje: Le pic de Courmettes
loutraje: Promeneur à Gourdon
loutraje: Art des murs, La Turbie
The Visual Poet: 'Down the ancient corridors through the gates of time, run the ghosts of dreams that we have left behind' ~ Dan Fogelberg
MaynePaddy: DSC_4808
MaynePaddy: DSC_4806
MaynePaddy: DSC_4801
loutraje: Portrait birman
The Visual Poet: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day....
chatka2004: Alpes-Maritimes, Mougins
The Visual Poet: ....hidden stories and forgotten spaces
The Visual Poet: In Remembrance....
loutraje: Gourdon du Lot
GangaSunshine: Now Rise Up and Shine Your Light
The Visual Poet: 'I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers🍂― L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
loutraje: Lac Nègre
loutraje: Arles Livres
loutraje: Arles 2019
loutraje: Arles de bon matin
loutraje: Basilique de Souillac
loutraje: Basilique de Souillac
The Visual Poet: ‘Unbind the Wing’....