Cobra oner: Im making a few of these backdrop corrugated fences approximately 8.5 inches in length and about 6.5 inches high. . If enough interest is piqued I will entertain the idea of making these in bulk weathered and graffititi'ed for your liking.
Cobra oner: Im making a few of these backdrop corrugated fences approximately 8.5 inches in length and about 6.5 inches high. . If enough interest is piqued I will entertain the idea of making these in bulk weathered and graffititi'ed for your liking.
Cobra oner: save2
Cobra oner: Saving
Cobra oner: 10683416_1531919600360051_7597186116646734848_o
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Cobra oner: Marvz Diorama
Cobra oner: Fireescapeside
Cobra oner: Frontside
Cobra oner: angleshot
Cobra oner: Dio by Alfigures
Cobra oner: Dio by Alfigures
Cobra oner: Dio by Alfigures
Cobra oner: Sniper
Cobra oner: SHOOTING
Cobra oner: SHOTSFIRED
Cobra oner: Alternate shot of Viper
Cobra oner: viper
Cobra oner: DSC_0993
Cobra oner: DSC_1002
Cobra oner: DSC_0989