Hey Coach: Looks like someone isn’t too happy with another dachshund in the house. #dachshundsofinstagram #onlyroomforone
Hey Coach: Top 9 of 2018 (I definitely see a theme) #2018bestnine
Hey Coach: Good god, somebody help me. Those Keebler elves are evil, evil little men. Trying hard not to eat the whole package. #peppermintfudgestripecookies
Hey Coach: First game of the season! #mustangbasketball
Hey Coach: My Halloween costume this year as created by one of my students.
Hey Coach: Enjoyed watching my Meadowlark boys play their first football game of the season. We couldn’t find everyone after the game, but was able to gather a few. Way to pick up the win Mustangs!
Hey Coach: Another year of camp...Done! #hoasportscamps
Hey Coach: Girls camp last week, boys camp starts tomorrow! #hoasportscamps
Hey Coach: Love seeing all these guys playing for their respective middle school teams this summer. All the time and effort that they have put in over the past three years is starting to pay off for them. I am excited for and look forward to watching these young men
Hey Coach: And summer vacation has begun...#dachshundsofinstagram #summervacation
Hey Coach: Set and ready for an awards ceremony. #lastdayofschool
Hey Coach: Last day of 5th grade! #middleschoolherewecome #5thgrade #lastdayofschool
Hey Coach: Looks like someone played a little too hard. Now it’s time for a nap. #dachshundsofinstagram
Hey Coach: Starbase rockets are go for launch #starbase #5thgrade #MLRproud
Hey Coach: @realhomechef Parisian Bistro Steak - NAILED IT! #homechefmeals #delicious
Hey Coach: 🎶 He licked his bowl, then he looked at me, and did the Wild Thing on my leg 🎶 #toneloc #ilovethe90stour
Hey Coach: Let’s go Cats! #eliteeight Keep it Going!
Hey Coach: Ready for the homestretch of 5th grade. #classof2025
Hey Coach: My Liberty Boys - Season complete.Moving on to many more successes with their middle school teams. Honored to work with, learn with, and laugh with such a great group of boys and their families. I look forward to watching them continue to grow as players
Hey Coach: There’s always one in the group. Looks like @birdman_joel is the winner in this one. #wcsfamily #wcskansas
Hey Coach: WCS Littles represent as well! Playing up a grade placing 3rd #wcskansas #wcsfamily
Hey Coach: We are the champions, my friends, We kept on fighting 'til the end. #wcskansas #wcsfamily
Hey Coach: Our annual kids vs parents Christmas Dodge Ball game during basketball practice. #wcskansas
Hey Coach: Not the Dance Cam, but did make it on the big screen #wcskansas
Hey Coach: KState Game Day. Fun trip with the team to a game. #wcskansas
Hey Coach: WCS Liberty at @kstatembb #kstategameday #wcskansas
Hey Coach: Class trip to see the movie Wonder! What a great film.
Hey Coach: Soaking up the Sun. Lazy Saturday. #dachshundlife #dachshundsofinstagram
Hey Coach: Another fun Halloween/Birthday. I think the word is out about what my favorites are. My students know me well. #HolyCow #halloweenbirthday
Hey Coach: Interesting clouds before a storm